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This Ronco Rotisserie review does not contain any negatives. I have used this product for over a year and I don't know what I would do without it. I am very busy and don't have a lot of time to mess around with cooking.

When I get home from work, I can put some shish kabobs in the rotisserie set the timer and walk away. I know when it's almost done because of the nice aroma from the cooking food. “polissonografia brasilia

By the time the meat is done, I will have had enough time to fix the side dishes to go with the meat and dinner is ready. Everyone in my house enjoys the food I cook in my oven.

It can take a few minutes to clean up afterwards but it is not bad. You simply have to clean the tray in the bottom and wipe out the oven. It has really been a big help in feeding my family. Because I work, I don't have a lot of time to cook and it is nice to come home, put the meat in and forget it.

It makes the meat a lot more tender than just cooking it in a pan in the oven. I assume it is the rotating over the heat source in an even motion that cooks the meat evenly that makes it so tender.

You can use the liquid flavor injector to add your favorite flavors as the meat cooks too. This is a great benefit of the Ronco Rotisserie as well. “ronco

As I mentioned, this Ronco Rotisserie review has no negatives, because the oven makes my life so much easier. If I didn't have it, my family might eat a lot more pizza and fast food. With it, we all eat a lot healthier foods.
